Wolfgang Bartels Photographie

  Wolfgang Bartels
photographical autodidact
1948 born in Hannover/Germany
since 1983 various one - man and group shows inland and abroad as well as publications, mainly:
1984 „Irlandschaften“ („Irelandscapes“) Fotogalerie Bordenau/Hannover
1987 „Irlandschaften II“ („Irelandscapes II“) Zwinger of Buxtehude, within the range of the youth-book awarding „Buxtehuder Bulle“ to the Scottish-Irish writer Joan Lingard
1990/91 „Norddeutsche Moorlandschaften“ („North-German Moorscapes“) Fotogalerie Bordenau/Hannover + Anzeiger - Hochhaus der Hannoverschen Allgemeinen Zeitung/Newspaper + Kunstverein/Arts Federation Krummhörn-Greetsiel
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