1991 | calendar „Niedersachsen-Lyrik einer Landschaft“ (Lower Saxony – Lyrics of a Landscape“) of the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung/Newspaper, awarded first prize in the section „Photographic Arts“ on the calendar show/contest of the Graphic Federation, Hannover |
1992 | picture book „Moorlandschaften“ („Moorscapes“), edition Stürtz, Würzburg |
2000 | catalogue group show of the members of the „Haus der Fotografie Hannover“ Galeria Fotografii / Cultural Center Zamek, Poznan/Poland |
2001 | black + white photo-calendar „Impressions of Ghana“ for the year 2002 for the cable-maker Nexans Kabelmetal (Ghana) Ltd., Tema/Ghana |
2002 | black + white photo-calendar „Meeting Ghanaian People“ for the year 2003 for the cable-maker Nexans Kabelmetal (Ghana) Ltd., Tema/Ghana |
2002 | „Moorlandschaften“, Landesgalerie, Landesmuseum Hannover, in combination with the Worpswede painters, especially Paula Modersohn-Becker, within the range of the great exhibition „Der Tempel im Moor“, catalogue of the whole exhibition |
2002/2003 | „Moorscapes – A Vanishing Legacy“ within the range of the great exhibition „The Mysterious Bog People“ / „Le Peuple des Tourbières“ Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa/Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, catalogue of the whole exhibition |
2003 | black+white photo calendar „Botanical Impressions of Ghana“ for the year 2004, for the cable-maker Nexans Kabelmetal (Ghana) Ltd., Tema/Ghana |
2003/2004 | „Moorscapes – A Vanishing Legacy“ (among others in combination with Vincent van Gogh’s „The Peat Boat“) within the range of the great exhibition „The Mysterious Bog People“ / „Le Peuple des Tourbières“ Glenbow Museum Art Gallery Library Archives, Calgary/Alberta, Canada, catalogue of the whole exhibition |
2004 | „Veenlandschappen – Een onwerkelijke werkelijkheid“ / „Moorscapes – An Unreal Reality“ within the range of the great exhibition „The Mysterious Bog People“ / „Schatten Uit Het Veen“ Drents Museum, Assen, The Netherlands, personal introduction to her Majesty Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands, catalogue of the whole exhibition |
2005 | colour photo calendar „Vibrant Ghana“ for the year 2006, for the cable-maker Nexans Kabelmetal (Ghana) Ltd., Tema, Ghana |
2007 | black + white photo calendar „The Beauty of Ghana’s Nature“ for the year 2008, for the cable-maker Nexans Kabelmetal (Ghana) Ltd., Tema, Ghana |
2008 | black+white photo calender "Boulders, Rocks and Rivers in Nigeria" for the year 2009 for the Nigerian cable-maker NOCACO |
2008 | honourable prize with print-out in Polish UNICEF magazine "Children/Dziezko" |
2010 | colour photo calendar "Colourful Nigeria" for the year 2011 for the Nigerian cable-maker NOCACO |
2013 | photo and comment "What means black and white photography to you?" in SCHWARZWEISS magazine No. 94, June/July 2013 |
2013 | portfolio of 10 pages "Between Mysticism and Abstraction" in black and white magazine SCHWARZWEISS no. 97, Dec./Jan. 2013/2014 |
2016 | portfolio of 8 pages "Aethethic and Structure of Architecture" in black and white magazine SCHWARZWEISS no. 114, Oct./Nov. |
2016 | portfolio of 9 pages incl. title, town quarter magazine Kleeblatt Hannover, November |
2019 | Photo Book "WGH-Forum Herrenhäuser Markt" (black + white, Duplex with partial print varnish, black Surbalin cover with blind embossed title Photo, 26 plates) book purchase only with the photographer (25 €) |
numerous pictures in private and public collections, especially in : Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa/Gatineau, Canada – Glenbow Museum Art Gallery Library Archives, Calgary, Canada – Drents Museum, Assen, The Netherlands – Fotomuseum of Kappeln, Germany – Collection Gerd Schnakenwinkel (GAFF), Rotenburg/Wümme – Collection Robert Werling, Santa Barbara, USA – Collection of the „Haus der Fotografie Hannover e.V.“ in the Sprengel Museum Hannover, Germany - acquisition of the complete exhibition "Moorscapes - A Vanishing Legacy" by the Niedersaechsisches Landesmuseum Hannover, Germany for their permanent collection after completion of an international tour, collection Robert Haeusser, collection RAX (Ragnar Axelsson), Iceland