Wolfgang Bartels Photographie

1991 calendar „Niedersachsen-Lyrik einer Landschaft“ (Lower Saxony – Lyrics of a Landscape“) of the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung/Newspaper, awarded first prize in the section „Photographic Arts“ on the calendar show/contest of the Graphic Federation, Hannover
1992 picture book „Moorlandschaften“ („Moorscapes“), edition Stürtz, Würzburg
2000 catalogue group show of the members of the „Haus der Fotografie Hannover“ Galeria Fotografii / Cultural Center Zamek, Poznan/Poland
2001 black + white photo-calendar „Impressions of Ghana“ for the year 2002 for the cable-maker Nexans Kabelmetal (Ghana) Ltd., Tema/Ghana
2002 black + white photo-calendar „Meeting Ghanaian People“ for the year 2003 for the cable-maker Nexans Kabelmetal (Ghana) Ltd., Tema/Ghana
2002 „Moorlandschaften“, Landesgalerie, Landesmuseum Hannover, in combination with the Worpswede painters, especially Paula Modersohn-Becker, within the range of the great exhibition „Der Tempel im Moor“, catalogue of the whole exhibition
2002/2003 „Moorscapes – A Vanishing Legacy“ within the range of the great exhibition „The Mysterious Bog People“ / „Le Peuple des Tourbières“ Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa/Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, catalogue of the whole exhibition
2003 black+white photo calendar „Botanical Impressions of Ghana“ for the year 2004, for the cable-maker Nexans Kabelmetal (Ghana) Ltd., Tema/Ghana
2003/2004 „Moorscapes – A Vanishing Legacy“ (among others in combination with Vincent van Gogh’s „The Peat Boat“) within the range of the great exhibition „The Mysterious Bog People“ / „Le Peuple des Tourbières“ Glenbow Museum Art Gallery Library Archives, Calgary/Alberta, Canada, catalogue of the whole exhibition
2004 „Veenlandschappen – Een onwerkelijke werkelijkheid“ / „Moorscapes – An Unreal Reality“ within the range of the great exhibition „The Mysterious Bog People“ / „Schatten Uit Het Veen“ Drents Museum, Assen, The Netherlands, personal introduction to her Majesty Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands,  catalogue of the whole exhibition
2005 colour photo calendar „Vibrant Ghana“ for the year 2006, for the cable-maker Nexans Kabelmetal (Ghana) Ltd., Tema, Ghana
2007 black + white photo calendar „The Beauty of Ghana’s Nature“ for the year 2008, for the cable-maker Nexans Kabelmetal (Ghana) Ltd., Tema, Ghana
2008 black+white photo calender "Boulders, Rocks and Rivers in Nigeria"  for the year 2009 for the Nigerian cable-maker NOCACO
 2008 honourable prize with print-out in Polish UNICEF magazine
 2010 colour photo calendar "Colourful Nigeria" for the year 2011 for the Nigerian cable-maker NOCACO
 2013 photo and comment "What means black and white photography to you?" in SCHWARZWEISS magazine No. 94, June/July 2013
 2013 portfolio of 10 pages "Between Mysticism and Abstraction" in
black and white magazine SCHWARZWEISS no. 97,
Dec./Jan. 2013/2014
 2016 portfolio of 8 pages "Aethethic and Structure of Architecture"
in black and white magazine SCHWARZWEISS no. 114, Oct./Nov.
 2016 portfolio of 9 pages incl. title, town quarter magazine
Kleeblatt Hannover, November
 2019 Photo Book "WGH-Forum Herrenhäuser Markt"
(black + white, Duplex with partial print varnish, black Surbalin cover with blind embossed title Photo, 26 plates)

book purchase only with the photographer (25 €)

numerous pictures in private and public collections, especially in : Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa/Gatineau, Canada – Glenbow Museum Art Gallery Library Archives, Calgary, Canada – Drents Museum, Assen, The Netherlands – Fotomuseum of Kappeln, Germany – Collection Gerd Schnakenwinkel (GAFF), Rotenburg/Wümme – Collection Robert Werling, Santa Barbara, USA – Collection of the „Haus der Fotografie Hannover e.V.“ in the Sprengel Museum Hannover, Germany - acquisition of the complete exhibition "Moorscapes - A Vanishing Legacy" by the Niedersaechsisches Landesmuseum Hannover, Germany for their permanent collection after completion of an international tour, collection Robert Haeusser, collection RAX (Ragnar Axelsson), Iceland


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